Monday, May 21, 2007

Wired Magazine: Online Poker Players Bet on Prohibition Repeal

Nothing more for me to say, and nothing further after the jump.
This is an excellent article from Wired Magazine showing the current state of online poker due to the UIGEA, and the damage it has caused to the typical grinder at the poker table.

The tables really have dried up...both for myself, a mid-stakes pokerbot, as well as my friends that play everything from $5,000NL to heads up Omaha. As income levels drop, collusion becomes more apparent at even the small stakes tables.

I do not collude, never have, and never will. I feel that is cheating, unlike a poker bot that has no information outside the bounds of a rule abiding human. However, you are about to see an influx of collusion that will make everyone forget about the "danger" of poker bots.

Trust me...I've talked to them. Automated collusion-bots are on the rise. - Refusing to Fold, Online Poker Players Bet on Prohibition Repeal