There seems to be a LOT of interest in OpenHoldem, the exciting new open source bot platform, and rightly so.
In my previous post I neglected to mention the official OpenHoldem forum hosted by MaxInMontreal of winholdem forum fame. It's already gained the attention of quite a few botters/coders and I predict that forum will be a new hot spot for pokerbot discussion. Hot spot means quality, not quantity.
Many intelligent, successful poker bot operators and coders are talking there right now.
Go have a look. It's only a matter of time before an open board like this either goes private, gets flooded by repeated newb questions, or this group of insiders moves the meat of their discussions to another forum.
This probably isn't the group to ask beginner questions, but read their threads and absorb their vocabulary. It is a great way to figure out what you don't know but should. Learning it is up to you, but believe me...knowing what to learn is the hardest part of building a profitable poker bot.
Go grab a clue and perhaps they'll take you with them when they move their mission critical discussions away from the public.
And to those of you emailing about my lack of internal links: Check out the Jiglu auto-tagging on the top right of every page. Sorry, but I'm too busy(lazy?) to link my own content properly. Those tags should get you to whatever online poker or pokerbot topics you seek.
Official OpenHoldem Forums hosted by